LG P895 Optimus Vu embed wide screen that is 5 inches with a resolution of 768 x 1024 pixels . The screen on the HP P895 LG Optimus Vu is also very good with the type of screen that is HD - IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen .
As for the dimensions of the LG Optimus Vu P895 HP pinning length 139.6 mm , width 90.4 mm , thickness 8.5 mm and weight of 168 grams . There are 2 choices of colors that you can drill that is Black and white .
LG P895 Optimus Vu also pinned a pretty good camera is 8MP with resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels . There is also Geo - tagging , autofocus , face detection , LED flash , image stabilization , this feature will make the results of the image quality becomes .
LG P895 Optimus Vu also not only have a rear camera , on the front there is also a camera of 1.3 MP . This camera will be very useful to you in communication with Sodara far .
Vu LG Optimus P895 runs on Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS with OS version 4.0.4 . If the processor P895 LG Optimus Vu rely on Quad - core 1.5 GHz with the help of a 1 GB of RAM .
In accordance with the price of its HP , LG P895 Optimus Vu has been very good in terms of surfing the internet . Additionally Vu LG Optimus P895 also features Wi - Fi pinned to you . There is also a technology with GPS name , this feature you will be able to deliver its destination with a map .
As for battery HP LG P895 Optimus Vu rely on Standard battery , Li - Ion 2100 mAh . The battery installed in the LG P895 Optimus Vu can survive long .
As for the dimensions of the LG Optimus Vu P895 HP pinning length 139.6 mm , width 90.4 mm , thickness 8.5 mm and weight of 168 grams . There are 2 choices of colors that you can drill that is Black and white .
LG P895 Optimus Vu also pinned a pretty good camera is 8MP with resolution of 3264 x 2448 pixels . There is also Geo - tagging , autofocus , face detection , LED flash , image stabilization , this feature will make the results of the image quality becomes .
LG P895 Optimus Vu also not only have a rear camera , on the front there is also a camera of 1.3 MP . This camera will be very useful to you in communication with Sodara far .
Vu LG Optimus P895 runs on Android Ice Cream Sandwich OS with OS version 4.0.4 . If the processor P895 LG Optimus Vu rely on Quad - core 1.5 GHz with the help of a 1 GB of RAM .
In accordance with the price of its HP , LG P895 Optimus Vu has been very good in terms of surfing the internet . Additionally Vu LG Optimus P895 also features Wi - Fi pinned to you . There is also a technology with GPS name , this feature you will be able to deliver its destination with a map .
As for battery HP LG P895 Optimus Vu rely on Standard battery , Li - Ion 2100 mAh . The battery installed in the LG P895 Optimus Vu can survive long .